Friday, July 27

Fine line between an expert and a know-it-all

Kids have "things." You know, that phrase, or interest (obsession), or joke, or facial expression that they do all the time. Like it's in the front of their mind all the time.

Right now, Pete's "thing" is that he's an expert. As in, "the mountains are really far away, but I can see them because I'm an expert!"

Wednesday, July 18


Today, as part of some kind of GOP event, there was an elephant in downtown Co Springs. Heather says that the adults were as ga-ga about nand-feeding it as the kids, with one grandmother rightly telling her 3 year old granddaughter that "this is the only time in your whole life that you'll get this chance!"

Tuesday, July 17

Monday, July 2


This anchorwoman should get a bonus check:

Sunday, July 1

Scene: backyard

Pete: Now what are you doing?
Aaron: Well, this is fertilizer, it'll help our lawn grow better.
Pete: But then we'd have to mow it again!
Aaron: ...