Thursday, September 8

New Header

Look at that nice new header, Nora. Do you think all 8 of the people who read the website will like it?

I posted some new pictures to Flickr. Check them out. Pete has a baby and he likes to pat it.


k said...

At least 1 of the 8 people likes it. Very cool.

Daniel said...

#2 likes it, a lot.

man, the illustration friday thing is booting my site visits.

oh, i wil be in the springs this weekend! playing soccer at the air force academy.. it would be cool to see you somehow.

jgilrein said...

I do like the header - but just to clue you into the mind's of the less sophisticated bloggers:
It really can be confusing when you have a picture of your baby's head and ask if we like the new header? I got about an inch away from my computer screen to see if Nora had a bump on her head like she head butted a soccer ball. Than I thought - did that say new Heather? I finally thought that no, it is supposed to be called a header and I'll never be a suitable parent becacuse babies get new headers and I'll totally miss that important stage because I don't know what it is.
Robyn's comment clued me in - otherwise it could have made my night miserable. So lesson learned - don't mix babies' heads and header commentary.

Aaron said...


I had no idea I was creating such confusion. Header, head, Heather...