Wednesday, November 2


Pete recently learned that he can get out of doing something by claiming that he is busy with something else.

A typical conversation which happened last night sitting down for dinner (this should also give those of you who don't get to hear Pete speak an idea of his particular grammar):

Me: Be careful with the broccoli, it's probably hot.
Pete: My daddy blow on my broccoli!
Me: Ok, I'll blow on it, can you help me blow on it?
Pete: No, me be busy with my... fork.

(He proceeds to pick up his fork and turn it over, seemingly inspecting the tines).

I think I got some good halloween pictures on Monday. I'll get them up in the next couple of days.


Anonymous said...

Funny kid! I can't wait until I can share similar, profound conversations with Luke. On an unrelated note, I was looking forward to a birthday tribute on your blog. No dice!?!?!

Aaron said...


I left a birthday tribute on your answering machine, man. What do you want from me? A special "Dave's Age" counter in the sidebar? Anyone who knows me will verify that a timely phone call is pretty damn special treatment. (I'm not a very conscientious corresponder).

How about this: I'll put a birthday tribute to you on my blog if you put a birthday tribute to me on your blog. (is this the 2005 version of "I'll invite you to my birthday party if you invite me to yours"?)

Actually, I'm not interested in starting a birthday tribute quid pro quo, so here you go.