Friday, January 6

I realize this won't interest anyone

When I pop the hood on my car, I'm usually hoping to find something glaringly obvious (i.e. a detached, cool-to-the-touch hose lying placidly on the top of the engine, directly next to where it should connect, or maybe on on/off switch). I had a similar hope when I cracked open my calculator to try to fix it. Unfortunately, the calc met its maker, but I discovered something interesting in the process. Note the black square in the upper right of the left picture. This appears to be a solar cell. However, as the right picture shows, it's not connected to anything, and is, in fact, just a piece of black plastic.

The manufacturer presumably discovered they could charge a premium for a solar cell calculator without actually providing one, and the consumer wouldn't know the difference until it was too late. Clever but deceitful design.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roomie, you never fail to amaze me!