Wednesday, October 4

Chart Nerd #1

I know I've had nerdy charts on the site before:

Ascent #1
Ascent #2

But this is a new high. I was browsing the Bureau of Labor and Statistics website the other day,

(note my complete abandonment of pride and coolness)

and I realized that they keep track of all sorts of good stuff. So, I did what every excel geek would do, I made a graph showing the historical price of lettuce compared to the price of regular self-serve gasoline.

I may be imagining it, but there looks to me like there's a negative correlation between lettuce prices and gas prices. When gas goes down in price, lettuce goes up. It doesn't happen every time, but it happens sometimes. Check out 2002 and 2004. Maybe this is an investment strategy. Don't steal my idea.

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