Tuesday, May 23

I know, I know

One of the things that annoys me most on blogs is when the author apologizes for being lame. Blogs can be very whiny and self-righteous at the same time, and this is the epitome. If you're going to be lame, don't make it worse by apologizing. In fact, if you think what you're writing is lame, then don't write it. Unless you don't really think it's lame at all, but you're afraid of criticism and want to set a stage where, in case the consensus is that it's lame, you can say that you said it first. Like that's any kind of an excuse at all.

On that note, and with a dose of hypocrisy, I'd like to apologize for being lame lately on the website. I haven't had much to say. Rather, I have had plenty to say, but not the discipline to say it right.

So, I'd like to plead for the patience of any readers that remain after this content drought. I'm going to be rolling out something new in the next few days. It's super exciting.

You can't stand the suspense.

For the road, I'll leave with some interesting information about the origin of the word "boondocks". Heather and I both connect it in our brains with swampy southern locations, but it turns out that we're off-base. Link.

1 comment:

Internet Betting Poker said...

Excellent idea