Tuesday, May 30

The new system

I'm a guy that gets attached to routine and small traditions. Whenever I discover something I really like, my first reaction is to think, "We need to go to this charming breakfast spot every week" or "I should pick up a copy of this magazine every time I travel." Most of the time, it's not practical, and I laugh at myself about it, but the instinct behind it is well-meant.

I'm worried that if I don't make a point of repeating them, I'll forget about the small things that bring happiness, and I'm a big believer that small happiness is more important than big happiness. There is even scientific evidence that backs me up,and the principle holds true with unhappiness as well. A trick knee hurts more than a broken heart, in the long view.

This is all a roundabout way of saying that I think this website needs some routine. And some gimic titles too.

So here's the new setup:

Monday - Uncoveries - Links to interesting online uncoveries (nobody really "discovers" anything online, right?)
Tuesday - Action Shots - photos, probably of my kids.
Wednesday - A Question to Tell You - anecdotes, probably about my kids.
Thursday - Action Shots - photos are popular, (and easy), so we'll do them twice a week.
Friday - Titles will vary, topics will vary. Basically, it'll be about whatever is going on. Could be rants, could be haiku, could be links to Mike's blog.

The revolution comes tomorrow. Where will you be?

(Heather has an activist friend who worried that when the revolution came, she'd be at The Gap.)

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