Tuesday, July 5


Pete spent the afternoon pretending he was his younger cousin Owen. He only referred to himself as Owey and only referred to Heather as "Owey Mommy". Also, he insisted that his stuffed giraffe made pig sounds, like Owen's stuffed pig. Maybe Pete's just getting started, or maybe he esteems Owen more than I thought possible, but don't kids usually pretend to be superheroes or firefighters?

By the way, still waiting on the baby, whose name is yet to be revealed. Every day she stays in is one day closer to sleeping through the night. That's the new optimistic view.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand. "Every day she stays in is one day closer to sleeping thru the night?" Does the clock start ticking at conception on this? BTW, your buddy Sam is still up a couple times a night :) Hope you guys have better luck.

Aaron said...

Such are the things we like to tell ourselves. There may be some truth to it. Bigger babies are supposedly better sleepers, according to the wives and their tales.

Anonymous said...

This is great to keep all of us up to date. I will try to help mom with this wonderful website. I know she is going to love it, she checked Pete often I believe.