Friday, July 22

One Week

We got some donuts this morning to celebrate Nora's one week birthday. Thanks to everyone who sent messages of congratulations and offers of help. It was a great, memorable week. I'm really glad I was able to stay home. The pace has been slow, and I've been a little stir-crazy at times, especially after I finished reading every magazine and newspaper twice. Got some good yardwork done too.

But the slow pace has been great; being able to just play with Pete or hold Nora for hours is a beautiful luxury that I don't usually get.

Krispy Kreme donuts are one of the great guilty pleasures of this household. That and the music of the original American Idol, Kelly Clarkson.


Mike said...

Great photos! I wonder, has your child been saved?
if not you should think about may be too late for you, but save the kid!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Even More Latter Day Saints

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby. We are very happy for you... All of our love for the Briggsies, from the Rigsbys.

Aaron said...


Jeez, I thought you were serious, and was crafting a witty response, but then clicked your link. Just in time, because I was about to sound like a jerk.

Anonymous said...

blog on brother, you are so very unique in your intreguing details of this intricate life. the photos are classic, the cigar the supreme dance ... you have a readership in me!